
请问托福参考书的绿色longman里的听力和longman听力特训的听力哪个好一点? What’s the meaning of “ONE-WAY STREET” in Chinese? best way,what's the meaning? Let your dreams fly.正确吗我知道有Let sb do. , 那这里dreams也可以么? Drive your business,do not let it drive you. One day you'll see,It can happen to me, I hope you understand.It can happen to anyone of us. do not let me cramp your style Do not be s___ .Open your your mouth and let us have a conversation.The man works as a ____(wait) in a five- star hotel children'sday,new year'sday,armyday,labourday,teachers'day,christmasday,halloween是几月几号用英文答要用英文回答几月几号 现在的iphone4s的siri支持中文的siri了?我有看到过有人siri支持中文的视屏 don't let anything steal your joy.the eagle's pest is crow,when a eagle looks for something to eat,crows will flock behind the eagle and scare away targets.this annoys eagles so much.the eagle is going to fly higer altitude well above the crows and i 为什么刚买的iphone4S,一直按home键,出来的语音功能是中文的,然后把设置里的Siri调了一下 就变成英文的 let your faith be bigger than your fear. let your faith be bigger than your Your eyes are bigger than your stomach是什么意思 He then put all the paper together and made the paper_a bookA.from B.of C.into D.for原因啊. And then,he tears the paper into pieces and folds them. ____________ your usual bedtime and rising pattern.A:Try to B:Used to C:Stick to D:Help to ________ right now,she would get there on Sunday.A) Would she leaveB) If she leavesC) Were she to leaveD) If she had left She wouldn't want to live there and () a:so would he b:neither be would c:neither would he选哪个呢?为什么不选 英语菜鸟! ( )useful advice you gave me A How B What ------ ---- useful piece of advice the teacher gave us.为什么用what 请说明理由 ( )______useful advice they gave us!a,what b,what a c,whay an d,how( )I visited YuGarden _____a rainy day last week.a,in b,one c,on d,at 对于从句中连词的用法我现在在做从句的时候遇到些问题,_____ is known to all,China has made much progress in developing yourself.A.It B.That C.as D.Which A 正解:C They had to use _____ they had to buy the house where they are l 爱上猫的鱼用英语怎么说 Mirror,mirror on the wall .Who is the most beautiful person in the world? Mirror,mirror on the wall .Who is the most beautiful person in the world?魔镜的回答?押韵的那种.急 Mirror,mirror on the wall .Who the most beautiful person in the world?请译成中文 (What useful) information you gave us last week括号里还有what a useful和 how useful和 how useful an hijh school 如何翻译成中文 two more weeks和more two weeks各是什么意思 A person's happiness is not real happy,everyone's happiness is the most powerful中文什么意思? 英语小猫怎么读? 这题后面还有,No,but there is a【 】one here这题后面还有,No,but there is a【 】one here. 谁能给我介绍一下OMG战队的崛起?最初的OMG是什么样的我想知道开始的OMG战队是什么样的,在S2赛季中的表现如何,他们是如何以那么快的速度崛起的?要个人见解,越多OMG战队的信息越好 the boy often lies to others同义句还有simon has no more than thirty five storybooks The boy often lies to others的同义句 He is a d__ boy because he often lies to others “oh,well,”my friend said ,“at least we have two more left.”翻译 omg是什么意思 请问"OMG"是什么意思?经常在坛子里看到网友的"OMG"这个词, OMG是什么意思啊 谁帮我翻译下 谢 Dear Sir ,How are u How about your business these days Hope everything is OK!Thi omg是什么? “OMG”是什么意思? My friends could play the piano when he was ten.同义句 My friend ____ ______ _______ play thepiano _____ _____ _____- of ten. many farmers in china live u________lives 怎么填 I didn't mean for it to happen,这里的for是干嘛的? OMG是什么意思啊 I didn't mean for it to happen中for在这里的作用? Little tom began (learn)French at the age of 5. lol omg输了的问题不是n连胜吗 怎么稀里糊涂皇族去打了 为什么输了两把就下去了啊? OMG输给了皇族,我好难过,一直看好OMG的感觉OMG的一直很低调,皇族为啥赢了要摔凳子?记者采访要讲英文?赢了同胞的比赛能这么开心?我特么的看你能不能拿第一!哗众取宠的皇族,鄙视你!为七连 omg 为什么输的那么惨? I heard some children __(sing) a song just now . 求人教版7年级作业本第3单元的单元复习答案,GOGO,快,还有英语的Unit3 This is my sister 大虾们,定将重谢. 求哈姆雷特几句台词的英文原版人世间是一座美好的花园/载负着万物的大地是/一顶壮丽的帐幕和/金黄色的火球点缀着的庄严的屋宇人类是一件多么了不得的杰作/多么高贵的理性/多么伟大 《哈姆雷特》中“生存还是毁灭.”出现在小说哪个情节中? iphone4S的SIRIiphone4是只能用语音进行简单的指令呀.iphone4S真的能用英文交流?用英文聊天或者发出指令都可以?快点介绍4S的SIRI. 我关注了你的微博用英文怎么说?是I follow your weibo吗?