微信怎么合二为一:she goes shopping with her friends对么-考试作业题

she goes shopping with her friends对么 She always brings her _ (owner)shopping bags to go shopping. ---he seldom goes shopping alone,______he?---____.He always goes shopping with his girlfriendA.does,YES B.doesn't,YES C.does ,NO D.doesn't,NO重点解释后面 She's old and she can't go shopping _.A.on her own B.by her C.to herself D.of her alone 某地固定电话月租费为18元,实话通话时间不超过3分钟,每次收费为0.22元,王老师想把下个月租费和月市话费总和控制在25元以内,如果他每次通话的时间都不超过3分钟,那么王老师在下个月的市 早睡早起身体好用英语怎么说? 我们应该早睡早起.用英语怎么说 “早睡早起身体好”英文填空-- --- --- --- and -- --- early is good.为什么是going而不是go,是getting而不是get? 在哪里可以学到花体英文字的写法啊 谁有英语花体书写字体? 求把下面的花体英文用标准英文字母书写过来! what is your father from?改错 Tom wants to be a doctor.(改为否定句 ) He wants to go to a movie.改为否定句 她早睡早起用英语怎么说? can play ___,so she wants to join the sports club.a.the soccer b.basketball为什么?有什么区别? The girl wants to join the soccer club.对soccer提问 填空_____ ______ _____the soccer club.应该_____ ______ _____ the girl want to join? The girl wants to join the soccer club.对soccer提问 ——what did your teacher say this morning.——sha asked me _________this morning.A.how did Tom come to schoolB.why was Tom late for shool.C.when Tom would get to shool. 为什么2002至2004年人民币对欧元的年平均汇率上升,而人民币贬值呢 Either Tom or Marry will go to Beijing tomorrow.(改为否定句) I will go to Beijing tomorrow变一般疑问句 Tom will go to Beijing tomorrow.(同义句) He did his homework all day.(同义句)Tom will _____ _____Beijing tomorrow.He did his homework _____ _____ _____. will tom go to 北京 the day after tomorrow?这个句子有误吗 作文:难忘的校运会字数500~600.秋天我是观众. away应该怎么读 away怎么读? away 怎么读 awAy什么意思?怎么读? fly away怎么读到底那个是真的? 该地址英文翻译:双榆树北里22栋4单元601该地址英文翻译:海淀区双榆树北里22号4单元601 英语翻译Tomorrow I am in business trip in Changshu.Never the less ND has not paid us yet,because of this delivery deley,even they said that they'll pay. 怎么赞美雪? 中学校运会精彩一幕 作文500字下午4点之前回答的给70分! 写与赞美雪的诗句. 校运会文章,作文,中学的 校运会的作文,600字左右 校运会的作文450字怎么写呀! 如题所示(请认真答好吗?with one eye focused on your destination,there is only one left with which to find the (中文翻译和含义) 请翻译这句话“我只能看懂一点,但是我理解你” 3+4+5+6+7 无论是百丈山山水还是三峡山水,都是那么妖娆多姿.祖国河山如此壮丽,请写一首小诗抒发你的赞美之情吧!急 简单的英语作文,50字左右,要语法正确,合乎情理健康的饮食对身体很重要.请你写一篇短文,给大家介绍你喜欢或不喜欢的食物以及你一天三餐的饮食情况.开头已给出.Healthy food is good for us.I like 山行是谁写的? 保护环境的英语作文 80词左右 没语法错即可 新概念英语,如果学完第3册能相当于cet4么?学到第几册时,购水平报口语班? 请问下 I turned round中的round是副词吗? run round and round 翻译 did he turn round //////.i turned round.i turned round.变成疑问句时,要把 turned 变成原型turn.did提前. 写一首小诗,赞美水.(要求原创)了解了那么多有关水的故事、传说、诗歌、文章,我也迫不及待地要写一首小诗来赞美水了!我现在没财富值,等有了再给你,保证给! 想考大学英语四级?应该买新概念英语第几册?或者其他什么书也行 customs clearance和customs declarance的区别请问:customs clearance和customs declarance有什么区别,究竟哪个是表示报关. 翻译 Customs Clearance/ Documentation如题 Customs clearance和熏蒸费各应算在下列那个费用里TanspotationContainer TruckingContainer Lift On/ OffContainer Stuffing/unstuffingLabour/Clerk/supervisorCrane ChargesWarehouse Rental/StorageDemurrage/StandbyDocumentation FeePort Wharfage customs clearance什么意思 谢谢你给我你的全家福照片,用英语怎么说?()()your family photo. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ in your family. 欣赏朋友的全家福要表示该感谢用英语怎么说补充句子—————the photo of your family.补充横线上的谢 2014初六年级下册英语书单词牛津上海版应该是每个Unit后面都有的单词表,中文英文词性.谢谢 how is your family?he is in home.说明已经结婚了?这两句话能说明什么问题啊?问:how is your family?答:he is in home.这个回答是不是说明这个人已经结婚了?如果是一个 客户问的 呢 he 说明上男的啊