英语新概念第二册14课Lesson 14 Do you speak English?I had an amusing experience last year.一( After I had left a small village in the south of France,I drove on to the next town.) On the way,a young man waved to me.二(I stopped and he

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 09:33:24

Lesson 14 Do you speak English?
I had an amusing experience last year.一( After I had left a small village in the south of France,I drove on to the next town.) On the way,a young man waved to me.二(I stopped and he asked me for a lift.) As soon as he had got into the car,I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language.三(Apart from a few words,I do not know any French at all.)Neither of us spoke during the journey.四(I had nearly reached the town,when the young man suddenly said,very slowly,"Do you speak English?') As I soon learnt,he was English himself!'

句一 后半句用过去时 前半句有个After 这表示发生在过去的过去 用过去完成时 这其实是固定搭配.句二完整的一句话 发生在过去 没有时间词的提示 所以还是用过去时.句三是因为我本来就不懂法语,到现在还是不懂 所以用现在时.句四后半句有个when,我先到town然后他问我是不是说英语,前半句发生在后半句之前,所以后半句用过去时,前半句用过去完成时.其实过去完成时主要抓住句意分析发生的时间先后关系,以后还可以根据一些关键词得出时态.多做做练习,就有感觉了.--老师是这样说的..新概念很有意思 但最重要的是学里面的词语词组,还有读的语音语调要好好学,语法么学校老师会让你搞懂的..我3册快学完了.