做作业没有写名字检讨:eat the right food and be healthy.为什么中间有be?这句话是什么意思?-考试作业题

eat the right food and be healthy.为什么中间有be?这句话是什么意思? 5.没有你的帮助,他们无法同时完成工作. They can’t finish the work________ ___________ _____time_ eat the right food to keep you healthy为什么eat the right food这个动词可以当主语? she was grounded for a month 是什么意思 傍晚的时候彩霞为什么是红色的 傍晚的彩霞时而.时而.时而.时而.真是. 《黄昏的爱恋》是谁写的? 这句:in word a lot of people love pizza,it is a quick and easy meal解释起来根本不通啊..在很多单词的很多人们喜欢吃pizza-_-|| Love is not so easy,then people will be fascinated 执子之手, 求类似《执子之手 把子拖走》的轻松搞笑的小说 求小说 执子之手 把子拖走 ,执子之手 将子拖走 txt发wqd506552063@163.com VIVA VINO ITALIAN RESTAURANT BAR怎么样 CAFE VINO BAR RESTAURANT 意式简餐怎么样 OTTO RESTAURANT AND BAR怎么样 用英语把My first kiss,and then some总结一下全文为:I was a very shy teenager,and so was my first boyfriend.We were high school sophomores in a small town.We had been dating for about six months.A lot of sweaty hand holding,actually WATCHING 英语填空:I gave the waiter 100 yuan and he gave me back some c____.注意这个词的形式! JASMINE RESTAURANT AND BAR怎么样 YAO RESTAURANT AND BAR怎么样 It was hard work to build the Great Wall beacause there were no (m_)machines then.请将括号中的单词 working on the Great Green Wall is--.A.a hard work B.hard workC.a quiet hard workD.such a hard wor “were it to-----”的句式以及相关小问题__Were_____ it to clear up tomorrow,we would get up earlier and come to the beach of the sea to wait for the sun____to rise____.两个空,1.Were it to clear up tomorrow,为什么要这么写?2.wait f 怎么翻译“想飞,却发现自己翅膀没长好.”尽量意译吧, 杜甫于昭君的 怨恨 寄托了怎样的情怀 《毛毛虫的梦想》的作文题目帮忙修改的好听一点 What do you think of ads The final examination will cover all__taught this term.A.what has been B.that has been C.that was D .which has been 用英语介绍家人500单词以上,10分钟内再加50分!不要复制的! 安装极品飞车9时出现这个提示please insert cd/dvd2 in drive 为什么不同季节教室里正午光照状况不一样? What delicious chiken it is!改为同义句 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 你有什么感受? let us (e?) some chicken 叙述美国三权分立制中三权的具体情况并概括《十二铜表法》《权利法案》《1787年宪法》的共同点 你们看了,有何感想…… I feel terrible today 对terrible 提问 ____the____ ____ you today? 看下有没有感想仓管员虚开有奖瓶盖回收数量侵吞88万仓管员积少成多,五个月内疯狂窃取公司仓库内的有奖瓶盖,涉案金额高达88万元.近日,深圳市龙岗区人民检察院以涉嫌职务侵占罪依法批 英语翻译In future studies,it would be interesting to extend the methodology used in this research to the case of PPL in motion pictures.Using Shapiro's (1993) classification,one could look at the impact of different types of PPL on movie goers' r 英语翻译Thanks for your email.Please note that you have not provide the PC letter issued by local PSB yet,this has been clearly stated on the AIP letter.You can get this document from the notary office as you has used it to get the notary PC cert 英语翻译I was in line waiting to pay.In line there were two people before me.A little boy was buying some rather strange clothes.He chatted with anyone who was interested in the clothes and soon we learnt that he was going to a kindergarten party 绍兴柯桥哪里学英语比较好? We’re doing it here together It’s better like that And stronger now than ever We’re not gonna loseCause we get to choose That's how it’s gonna beAnd keep the faith 英语翻译 我想问:“我们晚餐吃什么?”用What's for our supper?表述,是对的么? we'rehungrry,mum!what's for'supper 英语翻译某年夏天的一趟旅程里,transform的两位创办人,受到了来自四面八方的冲击与影响,激起潜藏在内心的热情与渴望改变的精神.於是开始进行筹备.终於在2011年正式营运,没有绚烂与遥不可 怎样把自己变成一个真正的强者 If you hold your ____(breathe) for a while,you will feel terrible. If you left your negatives there,they will hold for you for___. How much is your score?还是What is your score?你的分数是多少? What's to supper? 倪姓的准确读音是什么?倪字作为姓氏使用时读音应该读作“yi”音同“夷、亦”. 什么是一般现在时,一般现在时从哪里翻译 英语翻译How can we learn English well?We are learning English now.But how can we learn English well?A student can know a lot about English,but maybe he can’t speak English.If you want to drive a car,you must learn to drive a car and practice it 大家玩finger tut用哪些音乐 机动武斗传g高达多蒙的台词的罗马音.就是放shining finger和god finger时说的那两句的罗马音 求姓正的读音 1We're going to be use the money to buy an apartment in Chengdu.2You can't give dogs chicken bones改为同义句:1:We're going to buy an apartment in Chengdu____ ____ ____.2:You can't ____ chicken bones ____ dogs. 哪位das知道她是谁?/> Can you sow us your stamps?We'll show__(your)__(we) das schwerste Gewicht