
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 15:25:47


SOHO,是英文small office home office的头一个字母的拼写,就是在家里办公、小型办公的意思.SOHO是人们对自由职业者的另一种称谓,同时亦代表一种自由、弹性而新型的工作方式.
1.不怕没经验 —— 在网上和老师学习,边干边积累经验
3.不用人际关系、看别人脸色 —— 业余时间在网上开展工作
4.不用东奔西跑、租赁铺面 ——— 只要有电脑的地方就可开展工作
5.不承担任何风险 —— 只要努力就有收获
6.公平竞争 ———— 会员人人是老板
7.加入方便 —— 凡18岁以上公民皆可参加
8.能够提高自己的能力 —— 有经验的老师会传授网络知识、赚钱的方法,一举两得
9.想做多大就做多大 ———— 看你的努力程度
10.帮助别人成就自己事业 —— 帮助别人就是帮助自己
7、 对于那些业务类的工作,可能并不适合,毕竟少了与客户直接面对面沟通的渠道,在中国,面对面有的时候是很重要的.
SOHO is English every version of the home office first letters spelling,is in the home office,the small office.SOHO of freelancers is another kind of title,also represents a kind of freedom,flexibility and new ways of working.
As long as you will,no matter you are online,or job,can try this road to success:
1.Don't fear - online experience with teacher learning experience,doing
2 for registration website,income is just start from here
3 no relationship,watching others face -- spare time online
4 don't run,lease pavement -- as long as the local computer can work
5 don't bear any risk -- as long as effort will reap
6 fair competition -- members are all the boss
7.Add convenience above the age of 18 - all citizens are able to attend
8.To improve their ability,experienced teacher will impart knowledge and methods of making network,kill two birds with one stone
9 how do much to do - see your efforts
10.Helping others what career - helping others is helping himself
1 day yourself,more do not know what to eat well.
2,telephone and network fee surged,heard the unit still not to submit an expense account.
3,every day in QQ and MSN named three times,you will lazy.
4 schedules,chaos,because it is optional.
5 and work without work not tired feeling,after all,lack of the environment,such as the reporters on newspapers and magazines editors,inspiration.
6 and the lack of communication between colleagues in a certain extent,which may affect the judgment of things.
7 and for those business class,the work may not suit,after all,is less direct communication with customers,to channel in China,face-to-face sometimes is very important.
8 and if a person at home,actually also pretty boring SOHO,some friends,ha ha,I'm afraid I will fly a kite.
9 and I think people or social animals,isolated,regardless of what is communication,a long time or not.