
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 23:52:19


What do you have for breakfast everyday ? 你每天吃什么作早点?
I am going to watch a football match tonight . 今晚我打算去看一场足球赛.
Thank you for your telling me the goog news . 谢谢你告诉我这个好消息.
We should spend half an hour on reading English everyday . 我们应该每天花半个小时读英语.
He sleeps eight hours every night . 他每晚睡八个小时.
I‘d like to buy two bags of salt . 我要买两包盐.
Millie goes to skate after school sometimes . millie有时放学后去溜旱冰

what do you have for breakfast every day?
I'm going to watch a football match tonight.
Thank you for telling me the good news.
We should spend half an hour in reading English every day.

1.What do you have for breakfast every day?
2.I am going to watch a football match tonight.
3.Thank you for telling the good news.
4.We should spend half an hour reading English every day.

He slept eight hours. I want to buy two packets of salt. Sometimes go skating after school.
What you eat as soon as possible. I'm going to a football match tonight, thank you for telling me the good news. We should spend half an hour to read English.

What you eat every day as a breakfast?
Tonight, I'm going to watch a football match.
Thank you to tell me the good news.
We should be spent half an hour in reading English.

He always sleeps 8 hours every night.
I'll take two bags of salt.
Millie will go skating after school.
What do you have as breakfast every morning?
I plan to watch a football game tonight.
Thank you for telling me the news.
We should spend half an hour on English every day.

煮饭通常需要花半个多小时用英语怎么说?他父亲每天不吃早饭就上班用英语怎么说?他每晚睡大约八小时看不到电视用英语怎么说? 他每晚睡八小时用英语怎么说?我要买两包盐用英语怎么说?millie有时放学后去溜旱冰用英语怎么说?你每天吃什么作为早点用英语怎么说?今晚我打算去看一场足球赛用英语怎么说?谢谢你告诉 每晚睡眠八个小时很重要.用英语怎么说? 每晚你睡多长时间用英语怎么说 每晚一次用英语怎么说? 我每晚十点睡觉.用英语怎么说 他每晚睡8小时.英文翻译 每晚都做梦用英语怎么说 我爸爸每晚都看电视上的篮球赛用英语怎么说 我是一个乐队里的吉他手,我每晚都得工作到很晚.用英语怎么说 不仅要保持每晚9小时的充足睡眠,而且要保持好心情用英语怎么说 或者是老师来:我们每晚需要八小时的睡眠的英语怎么说?主要是八小时的睡眠,是eight hours' sleep 还是 eight hours sleep 就是在这两种里,哪一个更准确些? 我确定他每晚睡八个多小时 英文怎么翻译?I‘m___he ___ ____ ____ ____8 hours every night. 英语翻译请帮忙用英文翻译以下句子!句子如下:我每晚睡八,九个小时的觉 我很关心我的健康,几乎从不吃垃圾食品 好习惯帮我学习更好 他每天晚上睡几个小时?用英语怎么说 他睡了10小时.用英语怎么说? 他每天晚上睡八个小时的觉.用英语怎么说 至少要八小时的睡眠用英语怎么说?