
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 02:57:25


My classmate is a nice person.Her name is XXX XXX (名字).She was born on the XX (日期)of XX (月) 1994.She was born and raised in XX (镇),XXX (州).She started studying here in since year XXXX (年).She is a talented girl who can speak few languages,Chinese,English and others.
XXX XXX is the team leader of the class.She’s generous,willing to share anything with us in school.She is also friendly; she has many friends in school,that’s why she’s quite popular here.XXX XXX loves to dance but she said she is not good at it.She has two best friends in school,XXX and XXX.Her dream job is to work as a reporter,and she loves reading.She read a lot of books and newspaper.She always mentions to us,one of the rules she set for herself  is not to have a boyfriend during study; she’s so ambitious at a young age and has good goals.
XXX XXX is leaving us on the XX(日子) of XXXX( 月),she’s going to XXXX (离开要去哪里),we are going to miss her a lot and I really hope that XXX XXX will have an exciting and wonderful life,and she seems to have a bright future ahead of her.I’m glad to meet XXX XXX and I’m looking forward to have an opportunity to see her again in the near future,I wish her all the best.

好同学不读了,我是男生好同学是女生,心里很难受,谁能帮我写一篇文章要伤感的,450字以上.要很伤感的那种!走了三个好同学,都是女生 班上有位同学要走了,要写200字的文章ps:是个女生性格比较开朗,成绩比较优异,是为组长,很有凝聚力,人缘也挺不错的,总之围绕平时表现,工作,人缘,性格来写,不要太多200多一点就行了 同学爸爸走了该写什么文章表达下 同学要走了,准备写些激励他的话要一句一句的,越多越好 描写笑的文章 300字 要写班级的同学之间描写同学们笑的神态的 写动物的文章(2篇)我要写读书笔记写同学的 同学要走了,写几句唯美的句子留住他 我们班有一个同学要转走了,现在在写留言本,谁能帮我写些话?字在一页之内 关于民族风情文章开头结尾我要写关于民族风情的文章,开头结尾怎么写?初一小同学, 通过描写眼睛来表现人物的性格特点的文章100字左右要写同学的 同学走了送别的英文句子我们班有位同学走了,我想写句英文的祝福语! 写同学的文章(2篇)? 帮我写一篇离别时的文章,我现在初三,还几个月就走了,要深情,抄的不要就是讲友情的,不要其他的 描写 同学们的笑声 的作文开头结尾仿写《忘不了的笑声》,写一篇关于班上同学的笑声的文章.要精彩部分 200字作文 我的同学要写同学看书的. 写同学外貌的作文不要有名字这个同学很帅气要200字 一篇让你感动的文章,要写感受文章不要太长,感受200字以上 以感恩为主题的文章大家可以帮我写一篇以”感动常在”为主题的文章吗,勤工检学的同学要的