
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:14:08

关键词:广告文案 新媒体 媒体文案比较 新媒体文案趋势

The new media age represented by the network is coming, which is another impact on the advertising industry. At present, the research of new media is in a rising stage, but the one of new media research is just stay in itself, and the one related to advertising only discuss the relationship between advertising and new media. As we all know, traditional media in the form of a passive audience to always watch the ads, but new media is different, the audience is the main body, and they can choose to watch or not watch. Undoubtedly, advertising copy has become an important role. The advertising copy writing we currently widely discussed only way to writing, methods and principles of a class of more rigid and writing of the content, and new media studies combined with the very small.
This will copy starts from the advertising and new media to study in detail the principles of advertising copy writing, composition, characteristics of new media, advertising copy in the development and application of new media and development in several areas, and in this case based on the combination of proposed advertising copy is now appearing in the new media issues, and according to the feasibility of various proposals put forward accordingly. Finally after the ad copy and a detailed study of new media, summarized the ad copy in the new media in the best presentation, so for the purpose.
In this paper, literature research, comparative study, case study methods and other methods are used complement the study between the ad copy and new media and both relationship.
Key words: advertising copy; new media; comparison of media advertising copy; new trend in media

英语翻译以网络为代表的新媒体时代已经来临,这对广告行业又是一次冲击.目前国内对于新媒体的研究处于一个上升阶段,但对于新媒体的研究也仅仅停留在新媒体本身而已,涉及到广告的也只 以下这篇文章出自哪个文献,文章标题是什么这里是文章的一部分 是新媒体广告业务的核心。 思考五:追随新一代消费者 一个“一切以消费者为中心”的时代已经来临。日本博报堂广告公司 英语翻译1.旧时代 已经要过去了 新的时代即将来临2.提高方便度,造福人类 英语翻译[内容摘要]:2000年起随着媒体科技和计算机网络科技的飞速进步,各种以网络为载体和以传统设备为载体转变投放方式的新媒体开始涌现.2006-2007年间特别是以网络为载体的新媒体有 论新媒体时代的公关传播 新时代视频来临 新媒体时代的具体定义,简短的复制no. 英语翻译面对日趋激烈的媒体竞争,报纸这个第一媒体的优势已经不再突出.但是报纸并没有在这残酷的时代里没落,而是仍旧作为一个经济独立并且广为人们喜爱的媒体形式而存在.这与报纸新 受众在新媒体时代有了怎样的地位变化 新媒体时代如何做好舆论引导 新媒体时代如何解析受众 新媒体时代如何解析受众 英语翻译因特网被称为第四媒体,是将它作为继报刊、广播、电视之后发展起来的、与传统大众传播媒体并存的新的媒体.因特网是不同于传统的大众传播媒体的新的传播媒介,网络传播一种全 英语翻译全媒体时代纸质媒体的发展瓶颈和出路摘要:随着社会的发展和科技技术的不断进步,互联网的普及和新媒体的不断涌现.在全媒体时代的今天,人们获取信息的渠道不再仅限于报纸、 新媒体时代对广播主持人的素质有何新要求 英语翻译以信息技术为代表的高科技已经各国科技进步的重要发展方向 英语翻译微博作为一种新的信息传播渠道和载体,已经成为社会化媒体的重要类型.随着众多网民的积极参与,微博已经成为中国网络舆论的又一重要平台.在这个全新的平台上,政府部门和政府 新媒体的定义?