
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 07:27:43


Well done. 写得不错.
Well done. 干得不错.
  2. You can do it!你肯定行!(肯定对方的能力)
  a. I'm afraid I can't pass the exam. 恐怕这次考试我过不了关.
You can do it!你肯定行!
  b. I wonder whether I can finish the task in time. 我不知道是否能及时完成这项任务.
You can do it!你肯定行!
  3. Come on!别灰心.(劝告对方别灰心)
  a. I'm afraid I can't succeed. 恐怕我难以成功.
Come on!别灰心.
  b. I'll not learn English any longer. I can't remember all these words. 我不想学英语了,我记不住这么多单词.
Come on!别灰心.
  4. That's better. Keep trying. 有长进,继续努力.(肯定对方的进步)
That's better. Keep trying. 有长进,继续努力.