
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 07:21:25


雅思口语话题1.What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?
  雅思口语话题2.What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China?
  雅思口语话题3.What do you intend to do after you graduate?
  雅思口语话题4.What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?
  雅思口语话题5.Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?
  雅思口语话题6.What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?
  雅思口语话题7.Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?
  雅思口语话题8.Are there any special places you want to see in Canada?What are they?
  雅思口语话题9.What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?
  雅思口语话题10.How do you like your life in X X X University?
  雅思口语话题11.What do you think of the training you got in the university?
  雅思口语话题12.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?
  雅思口语话题13.Can you compare American English with British English?
  雅思口语话题14.What sports are played in your country?
  雅思口语话题15.Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?
  雅思口语话题16.Could you tell me why you chose to study at the University of
  雅思口语话题17.What are sporting facilities like in your hometown?
  雅思口语话题18.What are you going to major in?
  雅思口语话题19.Are you going to do your own cooking when you are at university?
  雅思口语话题20.What do you think you will be doing in five years' time?
  雅思口语话题21.What are your goals in life?

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