
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 19:59:02


The programme is on the air.节目正在现场直播
Chopsticks are used all over China.在中国,哪儿哪儿都试用筷子.
There are 25,000 Inuit in all.(=In all,there are 25,000 Inuit.) 这儿共有25,000因努伊特人.
I don’t agree with you at all.我根本不同意你的意见.
Nature has all along yieldedher flesh to humans.
Banks with a large amount of deposits might have to hold capital equal to 6 % of their assets.
But his critics grumble that his policies amount to putting haiti up for sale.
To my amusement,he can dance.让我觉得可笑的是,他可以跳舞
I‘m in angry now.我正生气着呢.
They often wear one another 's hand-me-downs.
Proview 's press release has answer for that:
This was supposedly in answer to a question about chinese currency.
That protest was anything but spontaneous.
Apart from their direct costs ,loan guarantees have other damaging effects.

请用以下短语造句! 用以下短语造句 leave one by oneself 请用以下词汇造句:“没有.,我像.” 急需英语造句(drive短语)!用以下几个短语造句:drive out of ,drive back ,drive into . 用以下单词短语造句1.not many2.not…until3.a few4.a little5.enough 请用以下词语造句请用:不是.却.;不是.,却. 如此.,如此. 造句! 急啊! 用以下词造句大概的造句 celebrate v 庆祝 造句请用以下词造句(简单点的,celebrate v 庆祝 用以下短语造句:know about,on the land,in the sky,air po用以下短语造句:know about,on the land,in the sky,air pollution,under the ground. 用以下短语造句:at once,at a loss,at last,at present,at home个造一句,尽量短一点. 请用以下短语造句after all 终究,毕竟be famous for sth.因……而著名 / 出名be famous as sth.以(某种身份 / 职业)而出名It seems to me that …… 在我看来…… 英语造句,用以下词造句、用以下短语造句、、、、at once ,at a loss,at last,at present,at home、、谢了、造简单点的句子、把汉语意思写出来、 请用以下成语造句一本正经 二话不说 四面八方 五湖四海 七上八下 三心二意 请用以下成语释义并造句.温故知新 任重道远 见贤思齐 不亦乐乎 死而后已 请用以下成语造句自作自受;心惊肉跳;忐忑不安;汹涌澎湃;一如既往;兴高采烈;刻骨铭心;尴尬 用以下关联词造句 一.就. 用以下句子造句 1.人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青. 请用以下几个词造句司空见惯绝无仅有无独有偶独一无二见微知著以偏概全六选三造句,有一段中心的话