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If the author sounds vaguely familiar to you,I hope Rebecca shall ring a bell.It is her most famous novel.I have heard on BBC radio quite several radio dramas adapted from her novels.Honestly,I wasn’t listening inventively.So The House on the Strand is the first Maurier novel I have ever read.As usual,I am not including any spoiler here.I am just offering a few thoughts.The House on the Strand,like many of her other stories,contains supernatural elements.Mr.Young,our protagonist agrees to serve as a lab mouse for a drug that can trigger the mind to see what was happening in the past.As he takes more and more trips to the 14th century,he became fascinated by and drawn to the events unfolding in an aristocratic family,distancing himself from his real life and family.Yet he is only waiting for another big shock,the real pay for his adventures into the past.You might think of the story as a science fiction,but it’s unique from any science fictions I have read before.I could not help recalling another novel,also on the theme of time travel – Timeline by Michael Crichton.While the latter is a typical science fiction,The House on the Strand offers more insightful look on human psychology.The reader can see how the boundary between the real life and the fictional life gradually becomes blurred to Mr.Young,the slow process that he becomes mentally trapped to the past.It’s not that he wouldn’t get out of it but that he couldn’t let it go until he knows the end of the story,even his real life is under turmoil.There is another interesting aspect of the story,that is,why Mr.Young is so interested to know the fate of people that existed 600 years ago,had no significance in history and have long deceased since.You might say that he is taking shelter from troubles in real life.But a lot of times,we don’t do it deliberately.It’s more a by-product.We do something,and later find that we prefer it to real life.Well,I can’t conclude my point as I don’t know what my point is.Yet The House on the Strand is the sort of novels that offer you more food for thought than many other thrilling sci-fis.This book was discussed in the Book-crossing activity held in Changning Library.To know more,please visit our home page: