
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 00:12:43


其实在国际音标(IPA,International Phonetic Alphabet)中,这两个符号代表不同的音,我们平时看到的英语音标中的/r/在国际音标中应当是[?],而在国际音标中[r]是一个颤音(trill),这个音在英语中不存在.既然不存在,那么在英语音标中为了便于书写和印刷便采用了/r/这个记音符号用来代替国际音标中的[?].这属于宽式记音方法(broad transcription).
有时我们会看到题目中ride的音标写成了/?aid/,那说明这是采用了严式记音方法(narrow transcription).
回答:The sound of "ride" is sometimes transcribed as shown above because narrow transcription is employed.By broad transcription,the sound of "ride" should be /raid/.So,when referred to the same phoneme,these two symbols are just different represatations of the same sound in two transcription systems.However,in IPA(International Phonetic Alphabet),these two symbols represent two different phonemes:] is an approximant,[r] is a trill.As there is no trill [r] in English phonetics,for the sake of convenience,the symbol /r/ is commonly used to represent the phoneme ] in IPA.

r在元音字母前才发音[r](*即音同“略”供参考) room ;read ; rest ; around
r在辅音字母或词尾前,一般不发音 car ; star ; jar
rh在元音字母前只发[r] rhyme ; rhino ; rhetoric