
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/28 16:21:19


1.用 a pair of 表示
a pair of gloves 一副手套
a pair of spectacles一副眼镜
a pair of sun-glasses 一副墨镜
a pair of ear rings 一副耳环
a pair of water-skis 一副滑水橇
a pair of braces 一副背带
a pair of crutches 一副拐杖
a pair of headphones 一副耳机
a pair of shoe-laces 一副鞋带
a pair of skis 一副滑雪板
2.用 a set of 表示
a set of false teeth 一副假牙
a set of building blocks 一副建筑积木
a perfect set of teeth 一副完整的牙齿
3.用 a pack of 表示
a pack of cards 一副纸牌
a knife and fork 一副刀叉
a nut and bolt 一副螺钉
a cup and saucer 一副杯碟
a knife and fork 一副刀叉
a silvery voice 一副银铃般的嗓子
a glasses frame 一副眼镜框
have a soft heart 有一副软心肠
He was a sleek,short man with bright bald head,pink face and gold-rimmed glasses.他身材矮小,穿着时髦,光头,粉面,戴着一副金边眼镜.
Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained.有些人生就一副好嗓子 有些人则需要训练.
The old man seemed dejected and spiritless.那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相.
An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman.救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救受伤女子.
The man wore sunglasses that concealed much of his face.该男子戴着一副遮住了大半个脸的太阳镜.
My uncle always gives us a board game for Christmas.我叔叔每逢圣诞节总要送给我们一副棋.


a pair of

a pair of 一副
pairs of 几副

在形容2个用pair, 象一副手套, 一副眼镜
其他用set, 例 一副扑克牌

a pair of 一副
pairs of 几副
