
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 17:04:09


Hello, is the order I placed on July 7th in process yet? P.O. 18694
you you have XXXXX in stock? I want to order some, give me as much as you can within 30 thousand pieces, I really need this kind of product. If you can, please add it into this current order, thank you very much.

Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness principle.
English and Chinese on the foul language and have cor...


Privacy and taboo involves refinement principle of politeness principle.
English and Chinese on the foul language and have corresponding expressions, have euphemism on death, sex and excretion of expression.
Britain and the United States and other western countries and the han nationality, however, because of different cultural background, on the use of private language still exist certain differences.
Taboo language as a social cultural phenomenon, its emergence, existence and continuation of a clear historical and social cultural roots, such as Chinese and western in religious, racial discrimination, sexism, curse and profane, and even diet, there are many taboo language, the difference between them is obvious.
Such as in the oral English appellation from formal to literally have a lot of ways, but if only call name, like Chinese is wrong.
The "old" in Chinese, "xiao li" or "week" is acceptable, and very popular, but only for a few kinds of things in English, such as: coach for the players, the prison guard on the prisoners.
如果把“老”(old,senor, elderly)用于英语中来称呼年长的人也是不妥的。
If the "old" (old, senor, elderly) used in English to describe older people is wrong.
In the values of western culture, the "old" is not known, but that is "no use".
Chinese people everywhere when association and grandmather's virtue, but the British and American people expressing their old, is a kind of offense, I'm afraid.
(李悦娥,范宏雅 1998)Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don' t get tired.这句话在西方人的理解是认为他年纪大了,不中用了,而需要别人的照顾。
(those Fan Hongya 1998) both Please sit down, Mrs. Green. Youare old. Don 't get tired. It is the understanding of the westerners think he was too old, not used, and need someone to take care of.
The same situation, due to the different Chinese and western culture, will not be able to apply the expression of Chinese style.
例如:看见外国朋友好像生病了,就不能按中国传统的方式来问:“Are you ill?”
For example: see foreign friends like ill, can according to the traditional Chinese way to ask: "Are you ill?"
, this will let people embarrassed, still can hurt people's self-esteem, because we asked healthy tone tactful, sincere enough.
可以这样说:“You look rather pale. Are you allright?”
Can say this: "You look rather pale. Are You allright?"
,“You seem tired, are you OK?”
, "You seem tired, You OK?"

有的人在发现人家有病时,还会说:“You should go and see the doctor.”或者“You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine.”殊不知,这样带有劝告性的话会令他人不高兴,除非人家明确要求你给予这方面的建议,否则是极不礼貌的,他们会认为你在侮辱他们,因为你认为他们没有判断能力,连这么小的事情也要别人来给予劝告。
When some people found somebody else sick, would have said: "You should go and see the doctor." or "You should go to the pharmacyand buy some medicine." but, with that advice sex words will make others unhappy, unless somebody else specifically asks You to give this advice, it is very polite, they will think You are insulting them, because You think they have no judgment, even such a small thing to someone else to give advice.
In China, an acquaintance or between first met one can ask about age, salary, weight, marriage, religion, political tendency and other private topic, and British and American people is very taboo to talk about these topics, not ask somebody else, even asked the somebody else, somebody else also have nothing to say, they just talk about some easy topic, such as: the weather, sports, work, hobbies, place etc.
Because of the traditional habits or social customs, should avoid to use will cause strong dislike each other's words.
例如:应该用pass away代替die;
For example, should pass away instead of die;
Substitute empresa said elderlypeople;
Replace with plain ugly;
用farmer表示代替peasant,peasant (这两个单词在英语中的内涵意义是没有受过教育、举止粗鲁、思想狭隘的人)。
Farmer said instead of peasant, peasant (connotations of these two words in English is with no education, be rude, such narrow mind).
Understand these with a particular cultural meanings of words, can avoid to use similar words bring unhappiness.
Avoid culture shock (CultureShock).


Please advise if our purchase order No. 18694, placed on July 7, 2014, has been confirmed as of yet.
If XXXX is now in stock, we would like to add 30,000 units to our purchase order. We...


Please advise if our purchase order No. 18694, placed on July 7, 2014, has been confirmed as of yet.
If XXXX is now in stock, we would like to add 30,000 units to our purchase order. We would appreciate it if you could do your best to fill our order for XXXX as we are in desperate need of it. You may simply add it to our July 7 purchase order and confirm same.
Your kind assistance will be greatly appreciated.


英语翻译请问我7月7号下的订单生效了吗?订单编号18694XXXX这个品种有货了吗,我想要订购一些,数量30000粒以内,能给我多少就给多少吧,我非常需要这个品种,可以的话直接帮我添加在这次订单里 英语翻译ASOS客服你好我想知道昨天我说的关于退款的问题.你们查询的进度怎么样了.我已经不能在等了我在2月28日下的订单,今天是4月7日,你们承诺的时间是3月28日之前收到货.目前为止依旧 英语翻译7月9号跟6月25号,你在我们商店购买一样的产品,订单里显示你购买两件衣服都是黑色的.我们都是按照订单发货.7月9号的订单昨天已经发货,我尽量把快递件拦截下来,帮你更换灰色,如 英语翻译我这里有个客户想退货,2013年12月6日的订单,我们7号发货,到现在已经一个多月了,正常情况下这本书已经寄到有一段时间了,因为是本新书,也许他已经看过了,他并没有向我们说明理由, 英语翻译11月18号下的订单,为什么今天还没有发出,都已经过了5天了,我想知道准确的消息.另外今天能发走吗? 英语翻译我10月13日支付的两笔货物相同的订单,分别要求邮寄到洛杉矶和旧金山地址,订单编号分别为a和b,其中b号订单缺少了4件衣服,请您协助查询并补发货物.因为这两笔订单订购的产品完全 英语翻译到今天7月3号为止,我还是没有收到我的包裹,于是我去所在地的邮局询问,工作人员回复我没有我的包裹,并且我确认我的地址是对的.请问这个订单该如何处理?能否退款? 英语翻译要翻译的内容:我的订单已经全部取消,因为这么做风险太大了,你们可以自己下订单试试看 英语翻译我发现你多汇了3000元.2011年4月24号的时候我们收到了1000元,5月7号的时候收到了1500元.但总金额是6000元.所以你多汇给我们3000元.我想知道这多汇的3000元你是想作为下笔订单的定金还 英语翻译我没有收到发货的邮件,所以我想确认我下的订单是否成功了? 英语翻译我21号下的订单为什么到现在还没处理呢?请在我的订单里面帮我添加以下商品1:2:好了,请尽快处理我的订单, 英语翻译抱歉那么晚回复您,由于我同事已去休产假,我将接手她这部分的工作.你的3份订单已被接受并等待安排生产,如无意外,7月的订单我们将按您要求的时间交货.但8月的订单恐怕无法如期 英语翻译我的订单是03282964609100和03282965953100,我于7月17日买的Burt's Bees Doctor Burt's Res-Q Ointment - .53 oz融化了并且侧漏了出来,把箱子都污染了,我可以要求退款吗 英语翻译XX:上个月16号我给你传真了一份XX东西36吨的订单,今天我又给你传真了一份XX东西54吨的订单,请问这2分订单你有没有收到?如果收到,请你确认后签字回传.期待你的回复,祝顺利. 英语翻译内容如下我在贵公司消费的订单编号为F305676820,本人于1月21日消费128美金,由于你们缺货,我于1月31日申请取消订单,并且你们的客服人员成功取消了我的订单,但是我的信用卡除了在1月 英语翻译我在 04/01/2013 下了一个订单,你们许诺会在17/01/2013前到达的,但是时间过去了我却没有收到,请问该怎么办呢? 英语翻译把以下的话翻译成英文:您好,我在你们网站下了6个订单,订单号分别为:****,请每个订单的产品只用一个包裹寄出(包括送的),可以合起来但不要拆开订单发货.也就是说,我下的六个订单, 英语翻译你在11月4日向我方订购了一批画笔,请问订单确认了吗?俄罗斯包括前苏联的大客户一直与我们在合作,因为我们产品的性价比是最高的.这次我们也给了你们公司95%的最大折扣,相信我