英语语法 turn on/over/down/to 的各自的用法初中英语里面 turn on turn over turn down turn to这几个词组的用法分别是什么呢?..麻烦回答的详细一点~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 02:31:56

英语语法 turn on/over/down/to 的各自的用法
turn on turn over turn down turn to

turn on:打开(电器之类的)
例如:Turn on the radio,please.
turn over:翻转
例外:If you turn the box over,you'll see some words at the bottom of it.
turn down:关小(电器之类的)声音
例如:Turn down the TV,please.Dad is sleeping now.
turn to:向某人求助
例如:He turn to his best friend for help.

36. turn 一般用法: in turn; by turns; turn on/off/down/up/in/to/out/over/round
特殊注意: 当turn用作系动词时,后面的名词前不加冠词,如:After years of hard work, he turned writer.
