
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 01:41:48


离开哈仙来到八中后,我面临新的机遇和挑战.毛主席曾说过,“雄关漫道真玉铁,而今迈步从头越”.的确,离开生活四十年,工作了十八年熟悉的环境,自己确实有些踌躇与迷惘,原本想自己已不在年轻,怎能与年轻人相比.但当我认真拜读 陶行知 先生的事迹后,对 陶 先生的“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的崇高人生
我之所以要引用 陶 先生的话,是因为想与广大同仁共同交流,共同感受,感悟 陶 先生的思想对我们心灵的触动.情真意切,思维互动互通,让我们的想象插上智慧的翅膀,给我们辛勤耕耘的这块土地增添一些实实在在的滋润.尽管今后的工作依旧辛劳,尽管今后的生活依然清贫,但我的心情是快乐的,因为我的心永远年轻!
People often say life is boring without a dream, and did not create life is mediocre, no burning cause is helpless. Eighteen years ago, I embarked on a podium, after ten years of ups and downs, ups and downs of more than ten years, ten years of emotions, but ten years of lackluster history of poor work hard, I still rejoice, Fortunately, given the fate of my teachers that although the plain but never the cause of filling a burning passion.
Sin came out eight in Kazakhstan, I face new opportunities and challenges. Chairman Mao once said, "Iron Man Road real jade, the more strides." Indeed, to leave the life of four years of work for eighteen years a familiar environment, they had really some hesitation and confusion, had wanted to own longer young, and how, compared with young people. But when I carefully read the deeds s One of Otto's "holding a heart, without semi-blades of grass to" the noble life
Impressed by the concept. Look at all eight of us in teacher pay Ji, Xing Lilian teachers and some old teacher, Although they are close to retirement, but their enthusiasm as ever, truly embodies the "old cow knew sunset night, not of spontaneous "the spirit of the old cattle. This spirit represents the value of their pursuit of life, this spirit shows their dedication to the cause of education, they are the role models we are really learning.
I compared the old teachers I was young, and thus re-established his position as one of their own recruits just to work, start all over again. With an open mind to the old teacher learning, ask, add new blood activate it had been some "old state" of the heart, make it full of youthful vitality, more full of passion into work. In the teaching of each lesson can be taken seriously, in the apartment management can be serious and responsible, bold management, quiet dedication "strict father" and "mother" like love, so that the students really feel that "home" of the happiness and warmth. Therefore, the selection of their teachers this noble and sacred profession, no regrets, will devote to this end all the youth and enthusiasm.
"I want to know the students."
"If you put your life on the student's life, you and your students in the life on the public, this tricks the bounden duty of teachers."
The reason I want to quote the words of Otto, because we wanted to communicate with the majority of my colleagues shared, common experience, understanding the thinking of Otto touched our hearts. Sincere, interactive exchange of thought, let's plug in the wisdom of the wings of imagination, hard work gave us some real piece of land to add moisture. Although further work is still hard, even though the future life is still poor, but my mood is happy, because my heart is always young!

老师布置了一篇快乐成长的英语短文,不知怎么写,明天上午就要朗读,不然就“喀”!哪位英语好的童鞋就乐于助人一回吧!记住,我是五年级的学生,不要太复杂,不要太长!若是写得好,我宁愿把财 英语短文我的书房怎么写?老师今天布置了一个作业,用There are/is写一篇短文,今晚给答案,不要乱写! 英语短文我的书房怎么写?老师今天布置了一个作业,用There are/is写一篇短文,今晚给答案,不要乱写! 征集一篇演讲稿(老师布置的)题目是 以书为友,快乐成长 另外还有一首学雷锋的自编童谣要朗朗上口 消除心理烦恼快乐成长的事例(老师布置的作业求啊! ! 急求一篇关于水三八妇女节的英语作文老师今天布置了一篇关于三八妇女节的英语作文, 英语暑假就要来了,你们班的同学假期里都有哪些计划呢?请在一篇不少于8句话的小短文.怎么写?昨天老师布置了作业也作文我不会写 老师布置了一篇作文,是关于春运的, 老师布置了一篇写寒假的作文《快乐的一天》要新的.今天之前回答,明天就交了.600字左右. 求一篇写学英语是快乐的英语短文 老师布置了一篇名叫《梦想中国》的作文,怎么写?后悔啊,平时见闻少.天天看《泡沫之夏》《给快乐加油》,积累不够啊 写了一篇小短文,是关于金在中的.发出来 希望英语很好的帮忙改改.写了一篇小短文,是关于金在中的.英文.老师布置的.发出来 希望英语很好的帮忙改改.看看有没有什么语法错误.最好加点定 写成长的英语短文一篇,写收获的短文一篇急用! 老师布置了一个作业叫 读书使我快乐 的作文,各位哥哥姐姐们, 老师布置了一篇寒假作文题目 生活即老师 800字左右,最好是原创的, 求一篇快乐成长 幸福生活的作文! 写一篇关于成长的作文.结构怎么布置? 求一篇英语作文,不要抄袭复制.以My Family为题,写一篇小短文.要求:1.语序正确,内容连贯,表达清楚.2.字数为60-100词左右这是我老师布置的作文作业 要写很多篇 应为这超出我的学习范围了