
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 05:42:38


Guitar is an instrument which is typically played by plucking or strumming,similar to the shape of the violin,usually six strings.Its soundboard and back are flat,while the body parts which also known as ribs are curved inside forming a concave.It has a really long neck connecting the soundboard and the headstock,The fretboard,also called the fingerboard has many metal strips embedded along it,which is known as 'frets',the pitch of each consecutive fret is defined at a half-step interval on the chromatic scale.Guitars are used to play a diversity of musical styles including pop music,rock music,blues,folk,flamenco.Guitar also was used in classical music,which has a big part of solo,and occasional use in chamber and orchestral.It usually has six strings,but there are four strings,strings eight,ten and twelve strings guitar.Guitars can be divided into two broad categories,firstly,the classical guitar which its tone is produced by the vibration of the strings,amplified by the body of the guitar,which acts as a resonating chamber.Electric guitars,introduced in the 1930s,use an amplifier that can electronically manipulate and shape the tone.Classical guitar is usually used to play classical music,folk music and popular music.While electric guitars are usually used to play rock music,blues and pop music.The invention of the electric guitar has an important influence on Western pop culture and music.

英语翻译吉他是一种弹拨乐器,形状与提琴相似,通常有六根弦.其面板与背板都是平的,琴身腰部无角而往里凹.琴颈很长,指板上有弦枕并装有很多窄而稍向上凸起的金属制的横格,称之为「品」 英语翻译骑士的提琴 提琴 “弹吉他”是play the guitar 还是play guitar ;弹钢琴是play the piano吗“拉提琴”是play the violin 小兰在观察提琴、吉他、二胡等弦乐器的弦振动时,猜测:即使在弦张紧程度相同的条件下,发声的音调高低还可能与弦的粗细、长短及弦的材料有关.于是她想通过实验来探究一下自己的猜想是 请你设计一个实验,探究弦的音调高低与弦的张力之间有怎么的关系(定性关系) 弦指的是大小提琴、吉他、二胡等 要求:写出所用器材,并简述实验方法一定要答对,要有理有据!小题一个,20 小兰在观察提琴、吉他、二胡等弦乐器的弦振动时,猜测:即使在弦张紧程度相同的条件下,发声的音调高低还可能与弦的粗细、长短及弦的材料有关.于是她想通过实验来探究一下自己的猜想是 第一个手提琴 第二个手提琴 第三个是👋 第四个是👠 用钢琴和提琴同时演奏一首乐曲,也能区别出钢琴声与提琴声,是因为它们的?A.音调不同 B.响度不同 C.音色不同 D.音调响度都不同 英语翻译,吉他有几个品味? (小兰在观察提琴猜想琴音发声的高低可能与弦有吉他,二胡等乐器的弦时,猜想发声的音调高低可能与弦的粗细,长短,材料有关于是她想通过实验来探究一下她的猜想是否正确,下表是她在实 优美的提琴声是由什么振动发出的 那柔曼如提琴者.仿写啊,最好是原创.. 它的形状是 英语翻译 小兰在观察提琴、吉他、二胡等弦乐器的振动时,猜测:即使在弦张紧程度相同的条件下,发声的音调高低还可 英语翻译:我的梦想是可以学会弹吉他.谢谢啦 英语翻译想翻译:这是我弹吉他学会的第一首歌 英语翻译我已经一年没摸吉他了,有些担心自己还会不会弹.我开始学的是古典吉他,现在真的很想转为弹电吉他.