作文the last time l cried

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 06:01:07

作文the last time l cried

Life is full of laughter and tears. Sadness is always tied with parting, and the last time I cried was when my best friend left.
James and I were best friends in the world. The kind of friends that would talk about anything. He was the one who helped me when there's a challenge, and cheered me up when I was down. However, life just doesn't go the way we planned. Last December, James's father got a job in New Jersey, and whole their family is moving there with him, along with James. Best friends may not stay together forever, but I had never expect our parting it to come so fast. Our fate was decided.
Before he left, we decided to hang out for one last time, just the two of us together for a walk around my neighbourhood. The weather was depressing cold that day. Water puddles have frozen into ice. Wind blew on our cheeks, and both of us just walked without a word. I wanted to say something to cheer him up, but no words came out of my mouth. We kept walking along the street, the world was silent.
It was him who spoke first: "Hey, don't be so sad. We're friends right? We promised to be friends forever right? Then wait for me. Even if we can't see each other, we still can call. I think my father's contract ends after two years, and that's when I'll be back, so wait for me, and everything will be the same again." I turned towards him and forced out a smile. I already knew what's going to happen, and it's not as simple as he said. My family is planning to immigrate to Canada, and this would be permanent. I could not let myself to tell him this. The words are too painful, and it stuck in my throat it hurts. I didn't want him to find out. I didn't want to give up hope so soon. I pretend to look at my watch and said I need to go. I didn't even wait for him to reply before I turned around and run back. My tears burst out of my eyes uncontrollably, and this was the last time I see him and also the last time I cried.
Now, James has already left for New Jersey. We are still in touch, but it hurts every time I think about the future. I hope I will be able to tell him the truth soon, but I am not ready yet. The future is too far away. I want to enjoy the present as much as I can.

the last time l cried
the last time I cried,I can't remeber very well.But,I rember the last time I cried for my relative,my girl friend,my work and for my study.

for my relative,He...


the last time l cried
the last time I cried,I can't remeber very well.But,I rember the last time I cried for my relative,my girl friend,my work and for my study.

for my relative,He's my grandfather.During my dream, I heared that my grandfather are died.I'm too sorrow,I can't help cring.I lived together with my grandprents.My grandfarther waked me up and asked me why.I told him the reason and continued to cry. He told me that the dream are onthe contrast.The turth is ture.

for my girl friend,I don't know how old are you.But,As we all know that the love is forever.
I wish she will has good better life than me.

For my work,It's that I didn't do well for my new job.It's an English report.I collected the data,
organize the different organization's report,provide my owen's idea,The misatake is that I didn't check well the results.I forgot the compared the sum results with the seperateed results.
My boss checked it well and found the mistake.I try my best to modify the report.In the end,I made a perfect report.I drawed a conclusion that the detail decide your future.We must remeber that.

For my study.I cried for my first interview with a forginer.What I said weren't be understood well by him although I tried my best.I can understand well for what he said.You can understood that I failed.I cried under a tree in a park.I told myself I must try to let forginer understand me well .Now,I can do it well.


