
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 21:37:29





feeling n. 1. 感觉,触觉[U] The cold made him lose feeling in his fingers. 他的手指被冻麻了。 2. (...的)感觉,(...的)意识[C][S1][(+of)] The news brought a feeling of relief. 这消息给人们带来了宽慰感。 3. 看法;感想;预感[C][U][+(that)] I have...


feeling n. 1. 感觉,触觉[U] The cold made him lose feeling in his fingers. 他的手指被冻麻了。 2. (...的)感觉,(...的)意识[C][S1][(+of)] The news brought a feeling of relief. 这消息给人们带来了宽慰感。 3. 看法;感想;预感[C][U][+(that)] I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我觉得有人跟踪我们。 4. 气氛[(the) S] There is a weird feeling about the place. 这地方有一种神秘的气氛。 5. 感情[C][U] She was guided by feeling rather than thought. 她被感情而非理智所支配。 6. 敏感,易感性 His remark hurt her feelings. 他的话伤了她的感情。 7. 同情,体谅[U][(+for)] Have you no feeling for that poor, sick creature? 你不同情那个可怜的生病的人吗? 8. 反感;愤慨[U] The loss of the ball game stirred up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。 9. (对艺术等的)鉴赏力[S][(+for)] That experience helped him develop a feeling for the beauty of nature. 那段经历帮助他培养了对自然美的鉴赏力。 adj. [B] 1. 富于感情的;易动情感的 2. 衷心的 3. 动人的 Write in feeling language. 用动人的语言写.
