
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 00:22:20


BYE? Are You Finish Chat? 要说再见了吗?
GOK God Only Knows 只有上帝知道答案
IAC In Any Case 总之
HHOK Haha,Only Kidding 只不过开个玩笑
ICQ I Seek You 我寻找你
ILY I Love You 我爱你
LOL Laughing Out Loud 放声大笑
MORF Male Or Famale? 男或女?
PMJI Pardon My Jumping In 请原谅我的插入
RYOK? Are You OK? 你好吗?
THX Thanks 多 谢
TFS Thanks For Sharing 多谢你与我分享
CUL See You Later 再 见
TIA Thanks In Advance 提前谢谢
OIC Oh,I See 哦,我明白了
FTF Face To Face 面对面
FAQ Frequently Ask Question 常见问题

IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织


IOC ← International Olympics Committee 国际奥委会
CLS ← Commonwealth of Independent States 独联体
EEC ← European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体
OAU ← Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织
UN ← United Nations 联合国
OPEC ← Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织
ISBN ← International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号
GATT ← General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关贸总协定
GEM ← Ground-Effect Machine 气垫船
GMT ← Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治标准时间



(动词) [音: meim] 使残废;使受重伤;割去肢体
例 : Yeserday the bomb in the dustbin exploded, maiming many passers-by. 昨天炸弹在垃圾箱爆炸了, 使许多行人重伤.
My father was maimed with the lost of an arm in the train c...


(动词) [音: meim] 使残废;使受重伤;割去肢体
例 : Yeserday the bomb in the dustbin exploded, maiming many passers-by. 昨天炸弹在垃圾箱爆炸了, 使许多行人重伤.
My father was maimed with the lost of an arm in the train crash. (父亲的一条腿在火车车祸中失去了.)
(名词) 旅游车


CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官
CMO Central Meteorological Observatory 中央气象台
CBO Channel Bus Out 通道总线输出
B/B breakbulk 散件杂货
B/L bill of landing提单


CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官
CMO Central Meteorological Observatory 中央气象台
CBO Channel Bus Out 通道总线输出
B/B breakbulk 散件杂货
B/L bill of landing提单
CAF currency adjustment factor 币值附加费
CBM cubic metre 立方米
CFR cost and freight 成本加运费
CFS container freight station 集装箱货物集散站
CIF cost,insurance and freight 成本费运费加保险
CIP carriage nd insurance paid to 运费和保险费付至
CLP container load plan 集装箱、装在计划表
C/O certificate of origin 原产地证明书
C.O.C. carrier's own container船主提供集装箱
C.O.D. cash on deliver 交付现款
COSCO China ocean shipping company 中国远洋运输公司
CPT carriage paid to 制定运费付至
CY container yard 集装箱堆场
D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单
DAF delivered at frontier 货交边境
DDC destination delivery charge 目的地提货费
DDP delivered duty paid 赋税后交货
DDU delivered duty unpaid 未付税交货
DES delivered ex-ship 船上交货
DEQ delivered ex-quay 仓库交货
D.G. dangerous goods 危险品货物
D/O delivery order 出货单
D/P document against payment付款交单
DPP damage protection plan 集装箱损坏保险
EDI electronic date interchange 电子数据交换
ETA estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间
ETD estimated time of departure 预计离港时间
EXW ex-works 工厂交货
FAK freight all kinds 同一费率
FAS freight alongside ship 船边交货
FCA free carrier 货交承运人
FCL full container load 整箱集装
FCR forwarder's cargo receipt 承运人领货单
F.Ifree in 船方不负责装船费用
F.I.O free in and out 船方不负责装卸费
FIOST free in,out,stowed&trimmed 船方不负担装船,卸船,理仓及平仓费用
