
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/08 04:06:24


Start Of Something New
中文:我活在自己的世界里,不懂可以利用机会做事 我不相信我看不到的 从不给所有的可能性任何机会 我知道有些事情改变了 从未有过这种感觉 在这个夜晚 这会是未有过的事物来临了 在这里与你一起感觉如此美好 此刻我看着你的眼睛 我感受到了我的心(感受到了我的心) 未有过的事物来临了 Oh,yeah~此刻我们曾想过 我们是为了今晚而生 Oh,yeah~世界因此变得更明亮 OH 有你在我身边 我感到有些事情改变了 我从未有过着种感觉 我真的感受到了 这会是未有过的事物来临了 在这里与你一起感觉如此美好 此刻我看着你的眼睛 我感受到了我的心 未有过的事物来临了 它来临前我并未想过 Oh,yeah 之前我并不知道,但现在却显而易见 未有过的事物来临了 在这里与你一起感觉如此美好 此刻我看着你的眼睛 我感受到了我的心 这会是未有过的事物来临了 在这里与你一起感觉如此美好 此刻我看着你的眼睛 我感受到了我的心(感受到了我的心) 未有过的事物来临了 未有过的事物来临了 未有过的事物来临了
What I've Been Looking For
It’s hard to believe 这难以置信 That I couldn't see 我竟然一直没有察觉 You were always there beside me 长久以来你一直伴我左右 Thought I was alone 当我独自一人 With no one to hold 无人相依 But you were always right beside me 但你却一直就在我的身边 This feelings like no other 这种感觉非同一般 I want you to know 我想让你知道 I’ve never had someone that knows me like you do 从没有人像你这般了解我 The way you do 没有谁如你这般 I’ve never had someone as good for me as you 从没有人如此珍惜我 No one like you so lonely before I finally found 所以我不再孤独 What I’ve been looking for 因为我终于找到我一直期待的真爱 So good to be seen 注视你的目光是如此美妙 So good to be heard 聆听你的声音是如此心醉 Don’t have to say a word 不需要语言的表达 For so long I was lost 长久以来我不懈寻找 So good to be found 如今相遇是多么美妙 I love having you around 我喜欢你在我周围 This feeling's like no other 这种感觉非同一般 I want you to know 我想让你知道 I’ve never had someone that knows me like you do 从没有人像你这般了解我 The way you do 没有谁如你这般 I’ve never had someone as good for me as you 从没有人如此珍惜我 No one like you 没有谁如你这般 So lonely before,I finally found 所以我不再孤独 What I’ve been looking for 因为我终于找到我一直期待的真爱
When There Was Me And You
It's funny when you find yourself 这很有趣当你找到自己
Looking from the outside 看看外面的世界
I'm standing here but all I want 我站在这里并想要全部
Is to be over there 会将是遥远的那边吗
Why did I let myself believe 为什么我会相信
Miracles could happen 奇迹会发生
Cause now I have to pretend 因为现在的我会假装
That I don't really care 那不是我真正当心的
I thought you were my fairytale 我曾经以为你将成为我的神话
A dream when I'm not sleeping 一个不只是在睡时的梦
A wish upon a star 我向星星许愿
Thats coming true 希望梦想成真
But everybody else could tell 但没有人能回答
That I confused my feelings with the truth 我迷惑了我的感觉是真的吗
When there was me and you 那时的你和我
I swore I knew the melody 我发誓我曾经知道这美妙的音乐
That I heard you singing 我听着你的歌
And when you smiled 在你微笑时
You made me feel 你让我感觉到
Like I could sing along 就像我一直能歌唱
But then you went and changed the words 但当你的离开和改变的语气
Now my heart is empty 使现在我心空空
I'm only left with used-to-be's 我只能回想"过去的人"
Once upon a song 从前的那个歌唱者
Now I know your not a fairytale 现在我知道你不是我的传奇
And dreams were meant for sleeping 梦想只在安睡时
And wishes on a star 以及我许的愿
Just don't come true 不要变成真的
Cause now even I tell 因为即使我现在说
That I confused my feelings with the truth 我的感觉将成为现实使我迷惑
Cause I liked the view 因为我喜欢现在的感觉
When there was me and you 那时的你和我
I can't believe that 我难以相信
I could be so blind 我就这样失明了
It's like you were floating 这就像你的漂浮不定
While I was falling 尽管我跌落下来了
And I didn't mind 但我不介意
Cause I liked the view 我喜欢这样的感觉
Thought you felt it too 尽管你仍然离开了
When there was me and you 那里曾