
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/03 16:41:03


Ben:Damn!It gets really cold recently!I believe it has almost reached 0 degree!
Lynn:Yeah.I can’t stand it any longer.It becomes so hard to get up from bed.
Ben:It’s only the 10th month of the year!
Lacy:Oh,god.I’ve caught a cold,nothing could be more terrible than it.
Cart:Maybe we should equip with more ‘hardware’.
Lacy:Ha,you mean clothes right?
Cart:You get it.Do you know that on 1rd October,a new shop market was open?
Lynn:Really?I’ve never heard that.
Ben:I thought you knew it.I went there last Saturday.
Cart:How about it?I just hear about it but have no time to go there.
Lacy:Where is the shop market?
Ben:It is near the National Library on the 4th avenue.
Lacy:Can you offer more details?The 4th avenue is really a long one.
Lynn:Yeah,there are so many buildings around.
Ben:Do you all know the National Library?
Cart:Yeah,go on.
Ben:When you get there,go along the 4th avenue,and turn right at the second intersection,then you will see a new building with nice decoration on your left.
Lynn:Oh,I get it.It is next to the Yunshan book shop right?
Lacy:There must be lots of things in discount in such new shop market!
Ben:Ha,get it!Last Saturday when I got there,over 50% products are under discount.I’ve bought a suit.
Cart:what kinds of things are showed there?
Ben:The first floor are several restaurants,foods there are quite delicious and cheap.I ordered a bowl of Yuntun noodle and it was just 7 Yuan.On the second floor there are mainly clothes.Household electric appliances are on the third flow.You can find kind of toys and ornaments on the fourth floor.Fifth floor is for expensive jewelry.
Lynn:Wow,quite a large-scale market!
Lacy:Oh,I can’t kill me desire to go there.
Cart:What time is it now,would it be too late?
Lacy:Only 8 o’clock,I think we can get on the last bus to come back.
Lynn:Yeah~let’s go!

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