
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/12 02:56:51


as a leading man of the workers,besides the normal routines, the most noticeable things are to deal well with the relationships among the workers, among my leaders and my fellows, and the relationship between the restaurant and kitchen. ----it is pretty hard but i will try my best.
my main responsibilities are:
supervise and coordinate the service jobs of my teammates
check the condition of booking, ensure adequate supplies and all of them are in accordance with the standards
examine the outlook of the workers and express the standard appearances in the restaurant
solve the compliment, if necessary, report to the supervisors timely
assist staff in etiquette, order and customer services
answer to the requests of the customers, consult the customers after the meals and help to check out
finish the specialty and take records
make proper register and report to the supervisors.
not off duty until finish the job and get the permission from the supervisor
the staff trainings:
the standard and skills of service
the proper way to communicate with the customers, to make up, to deal with the compliments from the customers
the standard of instruments on the table
recite the menu and the use of ordering machine
familiar with the dishes
the rules and standards of the restaurant
the system of register
the standard and the way for cleaning up
the origin of western food and the knowledge of the dishes
training the oral English
the above are not only the basic information for the training of the waiters, but also a chief should be master at

英语翻译再过一两天要参加考试,有个口语面试我猜除了自我介绍肯定还要说说岗位职责(五星级酒店的西餐厅领班),忙发高手帮个忙!除了完成日常工作以外,作为兵头将尾的领班,最应注意 英语翻译我要参加口语比赛, 英语翻译过两天有一个口语考试 是教官用英文提问这些问题 我应该怎么组织语言回答 完全没有头绪 希望各位叔叔阿姨哥哥姐姐弟弟妹妹们发扬助人为乐的精神 感激不尽!1、为什么喜欢当老 过两天我要参加上海新东方的英语辅导,请高手提提建议我是温州人,过两天要去上海了.有参加过新东方的多提提建议. 想练口语 现在考试的话一般一百零几分的样子,想练口语,学会用英语进行日常交际,但没时间参加英语社团,有这样的书籍吗?介绍一本.感激不尽! 求英语四级必备资料书我要参加明年六月分的英语四级考试,我想有经验的考过的人,向我推荐一下——英语听力的,英语作文,英语15个填词,英语快速阅读,英语深度阅读,英语翻译的各种书,发给 两分钟自我介绍(口语)过两天我要参加一个播音员的选拔节目,需要一个2分钟的自我介绍!谁能帮我渡过这个难关啊?小女子在此感激不尽啦!有没有更适合播音主持的自我介绍呢?感激中..... 我过两天有辩论赛,辩题:正方 个人素养决定未来;能不能帮帮忙,我第一次参加, 雅思口语每个part说多少句,多少时间比较合适?明天就要口语考试了,考过一次雅思,口语得了6,没有参加过补习班也没有看过什么书,不是很清楚 不是因为她有门考试没过 英语翻译 过两天要考试,急 10件产品有2件是次品,连续不放回抽样,直到取到正品为止 求X的概率分布?过两天要考试,急10件产品有2件是次品,连续不放回抽样,直到取到正品为止 求X的概率分布? 简单英文自我介绍要参加pest3的口语~~最好有个中文对照~~我是学旅游管理专业的~~ 有没有参加过创新英语大赛的?那个口语面试怎么答? 英语翻译rgytwmjlyl qnjdsnxlwyq wbzdwsmnhbczy zjwcjzadhpy我有考试 两天没什么交流 没有对话 是她直接发来的 四六级现在有口语了?口语考试 2个月准备时间,托福应该怎么复习(如何安排时间)4月27号考试,已报名.去年这时候考过GRE,321+3.5(考试时由于发烧,状态不是很理想),算是有一定的单词和阅读基础.前两天过了一遍老版的托 英语翻译我们英语课前有个3分钟演讲,过两天就到我了,求一个这个故事翻译:从前有座山,山上有棵树,树下有座庙,庙里有个和尚在讲故事… 高中化学文科会考复习提纲特别是有关有机物的这一块.再过两天我就要考试了.