1你平时利用网络做什么 2网络出现后你的生活有什么变化 3你对网络有什么看法

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 04:51:11


The Internet has a great influnce in our life With the development of our life.The using of Internet become very common.We can use Internet to do a lot of things.Such as chatting on line,find some informations through the internet,listen to music ,watch movies,do shopping and so on.In another words,we almost can do everything in Internet.and we don;t have to leave home.however,there're also some bad influence.Some children play computer games and don;t want to study.And the unhealthy things in the Inernet can cause some people to do some bad things.So,Internet is the good assistant of our lives.It also a dangerous thing.We shoud use it in correcr ways ...