
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 13:20:20


Four, advertisement dissemination way factors
(a) audience loved Internet use is one important reason, enjoy the freedom dominate feeling, online media interactive just can make the audience accept information way more has the personalized and autonomization characteristics.
In a network, the audience with individual desire, hobbies, mood by to choose from, pursue the bold and unrestrained individual character contact and free. Through the Internet to find people interested in all kinds of information. Therefore, users of the network intimidating advertisements are very antipathetic. Combining with actual, medium-small network video ads are also widespread force and interference problems, therefore,
From the perspective of future development, network video advertising communication should be based on respecting a wide audience, as the main principle.
(2) network video for audience provides a netizen pursuit of leisure and entertainment.
Network video advertising can seize audience pursuit of leisure and recreation to change this kind of psychological spread strategy, so as to achieve the effective communication. For example, can be in popular game stealth advertising the advertising message implanted the advertising as a medium plot an element of processing, let consumers in the game in the virtual space to inadvertently experience advertising expressed by the product information and let them quietly accept and achieve "moistens everything silently" the effect.
Five, closing
Network video advertising not only combined well the TV advertising vivid and specific features, strengthening the advertising guidance force and appealing, but also strengthened the audience persuasion degree, so in dissemination way has a distinct advantage, in addition, network video advertising also inherited network interactive strong, bestrow scope wait for a characteristic, therefore is a huge potential for the carrier of information platform, for this emerging advertising media, about its influence factors of the research content is not just limited the discussion, still need more experts and scholars on network video ads that a kind of brand-new network advertising forms, carry out more thorough and systematic research.

英语翻译四、广告传播方式因素(一)受众喜爱使用网络的一个重要原因,在于享受自由的主宰感受,网络媒体的互动性正好能使受众接受信息的方式更具有个性化和自主化特征.在网络中,受众 广告传播的几种方式 英语翻译2.2.网络广告受众心理分析从一定意义上说,做任何广告都像是打心理战,而不是一种艺术创作,但是,广告的艺术创作有利于对受众形成良性心理.对于网络广告来说,了解受众对于广告的 英语翻译基础刊例价(就是在报刊杂志上投放广告的价格) 月刊半月刊 杂志发行日 平均版数零售单价创刊时间受众描述 受众人群 英语翻译? 解析广告这一信息传播现象的传播过程 英语翻译再说一次!自己水平有限翻译有困难!坐等不计较分数的好心人!根据这一定义,笔者认为,广告应具备传递信息的信息功能(information function),诱发广告受众在获取信息后做出广告所期望的 第六章单项选择第二题2.( )是影响沟通传播效果最直接的因素.A.传播方式 B.传播手段 C.环境因素 D.传播途径 “通过以下几种方式传播”英语翻译 最根本的传播控制形态是( ) A.B.经济控制C.受众控制 D.自我控制 什么是介质受众急 急 广告2的 一则广告(英语翻译) 英语翻译公司全称:“宏达世纪广告传播有限公司”关键是“广告传播”这两个词应该怎么翻 英语翻译再说一次!自己水平有限翻译有困难!坐等不计较分数的好心人!冗长乏味,晦涩难懂的广告是难以激发广告受众的购买欲望的.只有在广告受众认识清楚之后才能使他们产生购买的欲望, 英语翻译请教以下广告课程的英文名称,相似的也可:消费文化研究 传播心理与传播效果国际交流与跨文化传播现代广告发展研究视觉传达设计研究广告文化史专题研究广告哲学研究传播文 报纸媒体的传播特性和受众有哪些特征? 受众本位与传播本位的区别请速回 英语翻译动漫在表达这些内容的时候,也对受众进行着较为隐蔽式的说教,但是这种说教的方式不会令受众觉得生硬呆板或者造作,相反,他们对此欣然接受.