帮忙用五句(或五句以内的话)概括一下这篇英语短文用英语概括 文章如下FATHER:what are you going to do his evening ,jill?JILL:I'm going to meet some friends,dad.FATHER:You mustn'come home late.You must be home at half pas

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 06:10:13

用英语概括 文章如下
FATHER:what are you going to do his evening ,jill?
JILL:I'm going to meet some friends,dad.
FATHER:You mustn'come home late.You must be home at half past ten.
JILL:I can't get home so early,dad.
JILL:Can I have the key to the front door,please?
FATHER:No,you can't.
MOTHER:Jill's eighteenyearsold,Tom.
She's not a baby.Give her the key.She always comes home early.
FATHER:Oh,all right!Here you are.But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven.Do you hear?
MOTHER:That's all right.Goodbye.Enjoy yourself!
JILL:We always enjoy ourselves,Mum.Bye-bye.

Jill tried to persuade her father to allow her to go out with her friends.At first,her father didn't let her go.But she promised to return before a quarter past eleven and her mother helped her.Finally,her father allowed her to go and gave Jill the key to the front door .

帮忙用五句(或五句以内的话)概括一下这篇英语短文用英语概括 文章如下FATHER:what are you going to do his evening ,jill?JILL:I'm going to meet some friends,dad.FATHER:You mustn'come home late.You must be home at half pas 一本名著 五篇读后感也就是说这一本名著中至少要包含五篇文章,1000字以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内,以内! 请模仿下句仿写一句有深度的话:孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单或用一句简短精练的话(低于15字)解释或概括这句富有哲理的话 请简要概括一下赤壁之战(最好100字以内)是简要概括 引用一句歌词或一句现代诗作为开头,写一句连贯的话.60字以内 求配制盐酸或稀硫酸的步骤,每一步有5个字以内概括一下,求求 《邓稼先》这篇课文6个部分帮忙简介概括一下内容 概括一下这篇短文 五句精彩的话. 卖火柴的小女孩的概括帮忙概括一下《卖火柴的小女孩》(全文) 《这片土地是神圣的》 西雅图所说的话用自己的话概括一下. 概括一下宗璞写的《花的话》 请用一句简单的话概括一下什么是电子商务? 求大神帮忙用一句诗来概括一下《宁缺毋滥》 孙中山的英语简介,五句以内. 一句有意义的话6个字帮忙想一句6个字以内的话 喜欢的动漫小说的某一句话也行 英语翻译麻烦新疆的朋友或懂维语的朋友帮忙翻译一下 成功的话追加100 帮忙翻译一下五笔