
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/11 01:32:53

1881年,「Hannibal」正在排演中,剧院经理Lefevre的到来,他来介绍新上任的两位经理Andre和Firmin..为了要加深好印象,Andre要求首席女高音Carlotta引吭一曲,当她正在高歌的时候,突然间,道具用的背景从上面掉落了下来,几乎杀了她,Lefevre盘问了道具主管Buquet,但也得不到合理的原因.有谣言在剧团里流传“鬼”在作怪,由于生命受到了无形的威胁,Carlotta气气不愿意再担任这部新歌剧的女主角,她说意外太频繁,新的经理在看到芭蕾舞星的Giry夫人递给他一张纸头上,写着系由“歌剧之鬼”所写的时候感到困惑,纸上写着要求要薪水和一个免费的剧院包厢,Giry夫人的女儿Meg Giry,她向新经理Andre和Firmin建议,她的舞蹈同伴Christine Daae可以取代Carlotta在歌剧《Hannibal》里的脚色.
Christine一直都在接受歌唱训练,但是说不出她是向谁学唱,经理们疑惑的愿意听一下 Christine的试唱 (Think of Me).后来试唱和演出同时举行,在经理们所坐的包厢里,歌剧院的赞助人Raoul对Christine产生了好奇,在这演出之后,在他有感觉到一种男人发出的怪异及使人战栗的声音在回响着,Meg向Christine问起她的神秘老师,但是Christine 只告诉Meg说,那位老师是“音乐天使”,说会有音乐天使造访她,她有听到那天使的声音,但从未谋面.Christine的演出获得很大的回响,所以Rauol向她恭贺,这次会面成了重逢,因为他们两人在小时候就是相识的玩伴,Raoul坚持要带她出去吃晚餐,并且去取他的外套,这时留下Christine独自一人的时候,又听到奇怪的声音,责怪她赴新的约会,在镜后出现了一个影子,是她所从未谋面的老师,那位音乐天使,他的脸有一半被白色的面具罩住,魅影把Christine拖往镜子背后的黑暗世界去,Raoul返回时,有听到有声响,但当他进到了屋子的时候.
镜子阖上了,此时,Christine正被引领穿越迷宫般的在歌剧院地下的世界,他们越过了一个大湖泊,抵达魅影所居住的洞穴,他在这儿向她说明了他教她背后的用意,他是一位作曲家,而她得唱他写的音乐,而这音乐的灵感就是来自于她的,这首“The Music of the Night” ,Christine恍如进入迷离之中在沉思,而魅影则专心地作曲,在好奇之下,她去揭开他的面具.

黎巴, 1911年剧院的舞台上歌唱,以及积极个拍卖会举行,一些有纪念性的物品之中卖的击败宰,一个八音盒子是的,是一只机械猴子的图身穿岁的男子进行了Hazime保价,无论是Roaul ,这个很多对象和其他类似倍乎忆引起,吊现在大屏幕的灯光,以及是否遗物,卖人我们显示完击败女王电线的影响,一个新的使用,拉乌尔珍惜瞬间忽然轻的日子一年中,我们时吊剧院圆形轻施宋在男子吊顶的上升.
1881年, “汉尼拔”积极在演中烟道,抵达剧院经理Lefevre和其他对下一任豆两位绍新经理为了安德烈菲尔曼..需要总结的印象吉见义明Hukashi加拿大,安德烈引吭卡洛塔高音一个女人的要求之一,高级宋,目前她正时候高松,突然间,工具从上背景飞机掉落下来法新社,她杀了几乎, Lefevre工具盘问铅法新社Buquet ,但也得没有合理因由道.是传谣言Ryuu佐藤剧团在“魔”由现任谜,和严重的生活玉伟受到胁无形法新社,卡洛塔愿气气不会重新收取一女主要广场这部剧的新的歌曲,大她说频繁惊讶的是,新经理在舞蹈明星看道芭蕾另外一个递给张纸Giry头上的妻子,穿着了一系列严重的枪击“食人魔剧之歌”道感困惑的地方时候副本的诉讼请求复制必要的纸上一个免费的剧院包厢薪水总之, Giry和一个女人儿的妻子梅格Giry ,新的她向安德烈议经理是以日本菲尔曼,克里斯蒂娜Daae接受她的以取舞蹈伴随他们蹈卡洛塔剧在歌曲“汉尼拔”里,改编剧本.
克里斯蒂娜一直都在接受歌唱训练,但是否谁学说不出路她是歌曲,一个经理愿们听一,涉嫌试唱克里斯蒂娜(想起我) .女王来到时举试线指挥的反应,在胶囊经理厢里们所伏,这首歌对剧院克里斯蒂娜和拉乌尔产生好奇法新社赞助人,现任这爱皇后,和其他明显觉到在一种男人发出的怪异及使人战栗的声音响着当今时代,梅格她的问起岁的克里斯蒂娜神秘师的方式,但只在是否诉梅格克里斯蒂娜说,师是那位老“天使乐声音, ”天使乐健全结构说会访她是天使的声音那听到她有,但从未谋面.很大次主任克里斯蒂娜响获得,为什么她恭Rauol贺方式,茂悟这次逢成一侧的小审议的时候为他就是目前阶段们两识的人玩伴,拉乌尔了一些书面口吃带她坚持晚餐需要,并且拿走其他地幔- ,一个自己这时的馏分低于克里斯蒂娜时候,和奇怪的声音又听到一个新的她赴约会责怪,宰个影镜后一个孩子的现了,史岁谋面从未师她所,天使乐那位声音和脸一半被白色的面具罩住是,把魅阴影,女王克里斯蒂娜黑暗拖往世界镜子后退,拉乌尔时的反应时间,表示听到响是的,但孩子的另一人进到时候法新社.
法新社阖上镜子,此时,克里斯蒂娜穿越引领迷宫下总的来说是积极的地下世界剧院在首歌曲,一个个大过了湖们越晚上,居住地点的阴影魅抵达洞穴的其他方式这儿她说在悟明教授她背女王和其他至于其他地方是否有作曲家,健全而她的副本获得乐唱他,自我而这于她声,乐的就是灵感,这首“音乐之夜” ,克里斯蒂娜中在恍如沉思进入迷离的爱,构成一个愉快则专而魅的阴影,根据现行的爱的好奇,以及其他方面揭开她去的设备
In 1911 the Paris Opera House stage, is holding an auction, the auction has a number of commemorative items, the Music Box has a son with a mechanical monkey plan, a bid for the elderly, he was Roaul, the He seems to be the object caused a lot of memories, is now the largest display of relics of the chandelier, when the auctioneer shows the use of new wires, after the effect of all of a sudden return to Raoul younger days, when the chandelier is suspended from the top of the dome-shaped Opera House.
In 1881, "Hannibal" is in rehearsal, theater manager for the arrival of Lefevre, he introduced two new managers Andre and Firmin .. In order to deepen the good impression, Andre request of the Chief Yinhang a soprano Carlotta, when she was Singing, all of a sudden, the props used in the context of falling from the top down, almost killed her, Lefevre in charge of cross-examination of the props Buquet, but not reasonable. There are rumors circulating in the theater, "ghost" in trouble due to life by the invisible threat, Carlotta gas were no longer willing to serve as the new opera heroine, she said that too frequent accidents, the new manager to see the ballet stars Madame Giry and handed him a piece of paper the head, written by the "ghosts of the Opera" written by the time confused, read the paper and asked to pay a free box theater, Giry's daughter, his wife Meg Giry, to her new Firmin and Andre manager suggested that her dance partner Christine Daae can replace Carlotta in the opera "Hannibal" in color in the foot.
Christine has been training in singing, but can not say to whom she is learning to sing, managers are willing to listen to the doubts about the Christine Shi Chang (Think of Me). Later, Shi Chang and performances to be held at the same time, managers sit in the box at the opera house, the sponsor of Raoul of Christine had a curiosity in this performance after a man feel that he has issued a strange and the voice of the people tremble In the echoing, Meg asked Christine to her mysterious teacher, Christine, but only to tell Meg that the teacher is "Angel of Music," Angel said there will be music to visit her, she has heard the voice of an angel, but never Met. Christine's performance was a lot of feedback, so Rauol to congratulate her, the meeting became a reunion, as they are known in childhood playmates, Raoul insisted that she go out to eat dinner with, and get his coat , When Christine left alone when they heard a strange sound, she went to blame the new appointments, in the mirror after a shadow, she has never met the teacher who Angel of Music, his face Half white hooded mask, the Opera Christine towed behind a mirror to Heianshijie, Raoul return, heard the sound, but when he reached into the house.
Closed the mirror, at this time, Christine is being led through the labyrinth of the ground floor of the opera world, they crossed a big lake, arrived at the Opera live in caves, and here he explains to her that he taught her behind The intention, he was a composer, and she was singing, he wrote the music, which is inspired by the music from her, the first "The Music of the Night", Christine blurred like to enter into the meditation, Opera and then to concentrate on music, out of curiosity, she went to open his mask.

英语翻译1911年巴黎歌剧院的舞台上,正举行一个拍卖会,在拍卖的一些有纪念性的物品之中,有一个八音盒子,有着一只机械猴子的图,有一位老人出价,他是Roaul,这个对象似乎引起他很多的回忆, 英语翻译1880年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了鬼.它穿越墙壁来到她的面前,它的脸上没有眼睛;一个舞台工人看见一个穿黑色晚礼服的男人, 世界最大的歌剧院拜托各位大神世界上面积最大的歌剧院是什么?巴黎歌剧院是么?还是大都会歌剧院? 巴黎有悉尼歌剧院吗?在悉尼歌剧院在哪个国家的?快点儿 英语翻译影片是以黑白的怀旧式画面开始,那是巴黎冬天萧瑟的街道,巴黎歌剧院那座美丽的巴洛克建筑在影片里显得很破旧,有些历经沧桑的味道.一个憔悴的老人被佣人用轮椅推到歌剧院里面 英文翻译:1880年,在巴黎歌剧院发生了一件不可思议的事情:一个舞蹈演员在黑暗的走廊里遇见了鬼. 自由女神像的英文单词!自由女神像 悉尼歌剧院 巴黎凯旋门 埃及金字塔 全世界所有著名景点英文单词! 关于英国大本钟,悉尼歌剧院和巴黎圣母院的资料 悉尼歌剧院和巴黎铁塔英语? 舞台上的干冰, 悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚标志的建筑 英语翻译 求伦敦塔 巴黎铁塔 北京紫禁城 悉尼歌剧院 华盛顿白宫 还有罗马那个圆的建筑的英文名称 珠穆朗玛峰、澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔、自由女神像资料尽量详细些我想要他们的资料 澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院,那年建成的?有多大? 舞台上的灯雾. 巴黎的饮品仅仅只有巴黎水著名一些.英语翻译 悉尼歌剧院的作者 悉尼歌剧院的作者