
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 03:19:59


Boycott Japanese goods is patriotic act,because it will make the Japanese economy are tremendous blow,it will let the Japanese consciousness to resist and Chinese is to be able to give Japan cause huge blow,also can let the Japanese know their behavior is wrong.At the same time we don't buy Japanese goods support domestic products is a very normal patriotic behavior.

Boycotting Japanese goods is a patriotic act, because it will be a large blow to Japanese economy, which will teach Japan a serious lesson that they will get huge damage if they are against China and...


Boycotting Japanese goods is a patriotic act, because it will be a large blow to Japanese economy, which will teach Japan a serious lesson that they will get huge damage if they are against China and that what they have done is absolutely wrong. In the meanwhile, it is a very normal patriotic behavior that we don't buy Japanese goods but domestic products.


正方:抵制日货是爱国行为,反方:抵制日货不是爱国行为.我是反方四辩,给个总结陈词 抵制日货是爱国行为吗为什么,可以讲得详细一点吗 英语翻译抵制日货是爱国行为,因为这会让日本经济受到巨大的打击,这样会让日本人意识到和中国人作对是会给日本造成巨大的打击,也会让日本人知道他们的行为是错误的.同时我们不买日货 辩论赛:抵制日货是错误的行为 如何辩证 做出对最近的抵制日货的行为,我是反方,请帮我写辩论文,字数多点我是反方,就是说不是爱国,字数多点,要说是为什么. 辩论赛:抵制日货是不是爱国行为?老师布置作业,我属于抵制日货不是爱国行为的一方,希望大家给我一些我们可以提的问题,越多越好.还有要一些对方可能会提的问题,我们该如何应对回答!如 民族主义是什么,为什么说愤青抵制日货是民族主义,那么外国保护自己的本土产品属于民族主义吗我是看到很多人对愤青抵制日货的行为进行批评很不解 辩论赛三辩辩词辩题:抵制日货是不是爱国?我是反方:抵制日货不是爱国,求一些比较尖锐的辩词 抵制日货辩论赛反方 辩论:抵制日货 为什么要抵制日货 为什么抵制日货 为什么抵制日货 急求辩论赛四辩的总结陈词,我方辩题是抵制日货不是盲目爱国 抵制日货,为什么不同时抵制美货呢? 你抵制日货了吗? 我们要抵制日货么? 为什么要抵制日货呢?