假设你和父母去年寒假去了海南旅行.请根据以下要点,以My first to Hainan为题写一篇英语短文:1.词数10

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 01:34:27

假设你和父母去年寒假去了海南旅行.请根据以下要点,以My first to Hainan为题写一篇英语短文:1.词数10

题目:travel to Hainan Island
--- first touching with the sea
last summer holiday i traveled to Hainan Island with my parents.
all the beautiful scenery impressive us very much :the blue sky,comfortable sea winds,the long beaches,coconut trees,coconut drinks...everything...
for me,the most touching moment was that when i stayed in the eadge of the sea and the waves came to my legs.i like that feelings:a little cool and soft.
for my parents,they were happy we can spent the summer time together.
i would like to come again.
waiting me my dear sea and beach and the delisious coconut milk !

Last summer, my parents and I visited in Hainan. I went also read a lot of online travel, but also get the book down. We booked the hotel, and then add some money to let the hotel's car to the airport...


Last summer, my parents and I visited in Hainan. I went also read a lot of online travel, but also get the book down. We booked the hotel, and then add some money to let the hotel's car to the airport to meet us. The hotel has bought a map overview, go to the beach for a swim. Night to eat seafood, is in the Spring Garden snow ate, sister, also went out for a few days, to be a blessing, which is before you go online popularity comparison of several tastes good. (Seafood ourselves to the first market to buy). Evening at the hotel when checking out several online tour of the line,we are invited to participate in, Ah Nuoda rainforest, Nantian, centipede Island are full of fun. We enjoyed it.



假设你和父母去年寒假去了海南旅行.请根据以下要点,以My first to Hainan为题写一篇英语短文:1.词数10 初三英语作文 假如去年暑假间你们全家去了海南旅行,请根据提示,写一篇英语短文 英语作文 悉尼旅游假如你是李华,去年暑假你和父母去澳大利亚的悉尼旅游.两周的旅行给你留下了深刻的印象.请根据下列提示介绍余下悉尼:1.悉尼位于澳大利亚东南海岸,这里气候宜人、环 英语作文 假设你和你的父母明天要去旅行,你到李明家去请他帮忙,可是他不在家,请你给他留言,请英语作文 假设你和你的父母明天要去旅行,你到李明家去请他帮忙,可是他不在家,请你给他留 求一篇高二水平英语作文,急!急!急!谢了!假设你是李华,你本来打算寒假去看望你在杭州的外国笔友Tom;结果由于你父母给你报了钢琴兴趣班,你无法去杭州.请根据以下要点,给Tom写一封电子邮 根据汉语提示及要求,用英语写一篇短文寒假你准备去海南度假.你将和你的父母乘飞机去.你们准备在哪呆上一周,计划去海滩,去钓鱼,还要去观光旅游,品尝可口的海南食品,并且还可以交的一 假设你和你的父母今年暑假去青岛旅游.请根据以下要点,以My first trip to Qingdao 为题写100左右1旅行方式:乘飞机(第一次)2活动:沙滩散步,游泳,吃海鲜,品尝青岛啤酒,参观名胜古迹,爬崂山, 在旅行之前,通常要做一个旅行计划表,包括去哪里,怎样去,和谁,戴带什么物品,什么时间?假设你决定去某地旅行,请根据以上提示制定你的旅行计划.Where to go:HangZhou 翻译:上周我去了重庆.你呢?琳达和她的父母要去海南度假. 你的加拿大朋友希望了解你如何度过今年寒假,请你结合下列提示,写一篇50词左右的短文.提示:1.和父母去海南观光游览两周;2.在海南过春节;3.根据个人的兴趣爱好安排学习. 寒假开始了,你有外出旅行的计划吗?家住济南的孙悦和他的父母准备去海南岛过春节,孙悦找出地图,开始了出行前的准备工作1.为了欣赏沿途风光,孙悦的父母选择了乘火车旅行,如果你来设计 你的加拿大朋友希望了解你将如何度过今年的寒假,请你结合下列提示,写一篇50词左右的短文提示:1还父母去海南观光游览两周;2在海南过春节;3根据个人兴趣和爱好安排学习 去年国庆节长假,李英和父母去了北京,那是第一次愉快的旅行.请你根据下面的提示,以李英的身份把旅行的情况记录下来.要求:80词左右1.乘飞机去北京2.第一天,去天安门看升旗,并拍照留念.3. 英语翻译昨天你花了多少钱买这台印刷机?乘飞机去海南旅行是令人激动的 英语作文:写信给父母,告诉他们这个寒假你要去旅行,春节就不回家了,要求按照书信格式写 初二英语作文:关于选择交通工具假设你想去海南旅行,现有三条路线(乘汽车,汽车,飞机)供你选择,请以第一人称写出你的选择及理由.词数60-80. 假如你是mink 寒假你和家人去海南去度假 根据提示写计划 the winter vacation leave for byplane w...假如你是mink 寒假你和家人去海南去度假 根据提示写计划 the winter vacation leave for byplane with stay “桂林山水甲天下”,桂林是个风景优美·气候宜人的地方.假设你和父母寒假的时候去桂林旅游,请发挥想象,写一篇英语短文来描述桂林的美景.60个词左右.(>_