
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 18:22:29


pour the dirty water into...

Pour dirty water

dumpe pollutants

discharge the dirty water

discharge sewage

排放污水 : sewage effluent

. . . 香港建造业常用英文词汇四 ...
sewage disposal 污水排放
sewage effluent 排放污水
sewage pipe 污水管 ...
Also banned is the use of roadside d...


排放污水 : sewage effluent

. . . 香港建造业常用英文词汇四 ...
sewage disposal 污水排放
sewage effluent 排放污水
sewage pipe 污水管 ...
Also banned is the use of roadside ditches for irrigation or drainage purposes.
2. 禁止向生活饮用水地表水源一级保护区的水体排放污水。
It is forbidden to discharge sewage into water bodies within the firstgrade surface sources protection zones for domestic and drinking water.
3. 向城市污水集中处理设施排放污水、缴纳污水处理费用的,不再缴纳排污费。
Those who discharge sewage to the central treatment facilities and pay the fees for sewage treatment shall be exempted from the pollutant discharge fee.
